St Nicholas CE Primary School

'Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.' Proverbs 22:6


Worship is a central part of our vision – allowing everybody in the school family the opportunity to learn about and develop a relationship with God whilst on their personal journey with Jesus.

Our approach to collective worship allows us to grow, learn and love God more. The impact of high quality, carefully planned worship is evident across the school – in relationships, in attitudes and in responses to Worship.

Children clearly value this time during the day witnessed through their behaviour and attitudes during acts of worship – whether in class, in whole school worship or in church.

Our children have a sound understanding of the Bible teachings of Jesus and of how Christian values can impact your life in a positive way. Worship is enhanced and encouraged our church community. 

The children themselves have been inspired by worship and demonstrate their own faith in their caring actions to others – raising money for the homeless and supporting a range of other local, national and international charities. The impact of collective worship can be seen on a daily basis. 

Collective Worship Policy


Collective Worship Value Overview 2024 - 2025


                                  Autumn 1                                                                   Autumn 2



                                  Spring 1                                                                 Spring 2




                                   Summer 1                                                                 Summer 2



Collective Worship in action

Children leading the Harvest worship at St Andrew's Church.


Christmas Eucharist led by Father Jordan. Reading led by a member of the Guiding Lights team. 

Worship Structure

Collective worship follows a consistent structure throughout school. 

Below is an example: 



Prayer is an integral part of life at St. Nicholas where we invite our children and staff to pray at structured and spontaneous times.