St Nicholas CE Primary School

'Pupils are accepted and loved. They understand their worth and potential as life-long learners and as a child of God.'

Safeguarding for Parents

St Nicholas Primary School is fully committed to the safeguarding of children: ensuring the well being of the child is paramount. For pupils to feel that they are able to do their best and achieve their true potential, it is important that they feel safe and supported in our school environment. 

Everyone working within our school, whatever their role, is acutely aware that issues to do with the protection of children are of the highest possible importance. Trust underpins everything that we do in school. The parents of our pupils entrust the care of their children to us and together we are all responsible for their well being. 

In relation to safeguarding, St Nicholas Primary School aims to ‘prevent’, ‘protect’ and ‘support’ all its pupils by addressing child protection in the curriculum, pastoral activities and in the management of the school, and by empowering and enabling staff to be vigilant for vulnerable students through regular, ongoing training and the dissemination of information. We also involve our pupils in regular assemblies with visiting agencies and workshops which will enable them to stay safe online, in school and at home.

What does safeguarding culture look like at St Nicholas Primary School?

  • Consistent practice
  • Quality and up to date staff training
  • Gaining and listening to pupils’ voice
  • Parental engagement and consultation
  • Visible
  • Challenge behaviour – whole school community
  • Effective responses – child centered
  • Transparency and accountability
  • Effective records to monitor impact via CPOMs
  • Consultation with all stakeholders
  • Strategic and active governor input
  • Review and update policies regularly and ensure they are in line with KCSIE 2024

Who to contact in school

If you have any concerns regarding any pupils at St Nicholas Primary School here are the people you can speak to:

  • Mr Liam Noon (DSL)
  • Miss Catherine Stephens (DDSL)
  • Mrs Rachel Gosling (DDSL)
  • Mr Peter Blackburn (Safeguarding Governor)

Useful numbers

St Nicholas Primary School: 01254 381875

Social Services: 0300 123 6720 or Out of Hours: 0300 123 6722

NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000


Reporting Concerns

This will provide you with links to the local council/police page for your area.


Alternatively, you can contact Lancashire Children Social Care for further advice on:

0300 123 6720 / 0300 123 6722 (out of hours)


If you think a child is in immediate danger

Don't delay - call the police on 999