St Nicholas CE Primary School

'Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.' Proverbs 22:6

Pupil Parliament

St. Nicholas' Pupil Parliament is a passionate group of students committed to representing their peers and driving positive change in both the school, local community and wider world.

Guided by our Christian values of courage, perseverance, respect, trust, and love, they live out our vision that ‘Pupils are accepted and loved, understanding their worth and potential as lifelong learners and children of God.’

Through courageous advocacy, they’ve worked with the local council to address safety issues, successfully campaigning for repairs to crash barriers near the school. Within the school, they’ve played a key role in creating inviting spaces like reading teepees and friendship benches, as well as organising arts and crafts activities in the playground, with support from the Friends of St. Nicholas.

Looking globally we are going to continue working closely with students at St Michael’s C of E High School in Chorley who are helping poor young people in Zambia have the benefits of an education, regular meals, and a prospect of a better future.



Their efforts show courage in advocating for change, perseverance in achieving their goals, respect for others’ needs, trust in collaboration, and love in building a caring and inclusive community, truly reflecting our school’s vision.