St Nicholas CE Primary School

'Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.' Proverbs 22:6



At St Nicholas Church of England Primary School, we recognise the importance of PE and the role it has to play in promoting positive attitudes towards future healthy lifestyles. The intent of our PE curriculum is to provide all children with high quality PE and sports provision. We strive to inspire our pupils through fun and engaging PE lessons that are both challenging and accessible to all. Our teaching of PE aims to develop pupils physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively.  It will provide opportunities for pupils to explore our school values of love, respect, perseverance, trust and courage. Pupils will have the opportunity to take part in a variety of competitive and non-competitive events ensuring a breadth of experiences.



To ensure high-quality Physical Education, we implement a skills and knowledge based curriculum which has been designed for our pupils. At St Nicholas, we follow the Lancashire Scheme of Work which has been intentionally designed to allow the pupils the chance to revisit and deepen their understanding year on year. Each unit of work is set out in clear progressions which include warm ups, main teaching skills and cool downs. Progressions from one unit of work in a year group are built upon in the next unit in the following year. Skills required are identified, so that teachers know what is expected and are able to identify these skills during lessons.

PE is embedded in all classrooms through a whole-school approach. We provide all of our pupils with two hours of high-quality PE a week and an additional 30 minutes of sport and physical activity each day. The school also aims to provide a further one hour per week per Key Stage through after school opportunities.

Class teachers are responsible for planning and delivering lessons on a weekly basis following the school’s long-term plan, using the Lancashire Scheme of Work resources on the PE Passport app.

The focus in Reception and Key Stage One is on skills acquisition and development as we believe that children should be equipped with the fundamental skills they need to take part in a range of sports when they reach Key Stage Two. By the end of this Key Stage, they are ready to apply these skills to a range of gaming situations. The children also have positive attitudes towards all sports because everybody has the skills needed to play them.

Swimming is taught by a qualified swimming instructor with support from school staff. Children in Year 4 start swimming in Autumn 1 until the end of the Spring Term. Assessment data is provided to school on a termly basis. 



Every PE lesson provides opportunities for assessment and staff annotate plans on the PE Passport app with observations to help inform future plans. Core Task assessments are completed where stated in each unit of work and sports coaches also support staff in assessment using these. Assessment is carried out according to the requirements of the National Curriculum. Teachers use the Core Tasks and PE Passport app to update iTrack termly.



Physical Education Policy


Curriculum Overview

Indoor and Outdoor Overview